What can I say about this book? It grabbed me, shook me, and left me haunted.
I went into it with no real expectations, just vaguely attracted by the gorgeous cover art and a short description that was sort of telling, but which in no way lead me to believe I would love this book as much as I do. Unfortunately, I haven't read any of Comeau's other work, but I do plan to remedy that as soon as possible.
This is not a long book, but it is dense with life. As I said, It grabbed me from the start and pulled me in. I identified with each of the main characters. The writing drops you right into something happening, and from that first incident it does not let up, but it is not your usual thrill ride. It's the thrill ride next door. Or maybe it feels a bit more familiar than that, absurd and poetic as it seems. To me, it feels real.
Here's my problem... I don't want to spoil it. The title link at the top will take you to the Goodreads page, and a description. Go there if you will, if one person standing here and shouting, "JUST READ IT!" isn't enough. I'll understand. I'm just the cheerleader.
Thanks go to NetGalley for providing a digital galley.